Ladakh Rigjung Public School

Ladakh Rigjung Public School in Choglamsar near Leh in Ladakh has ca. 420 children from different areas in Ladakh. Many children are coming from Nomad families from the region of Chang Thang. 80 children are living in the school hostel. 

photos by students of Rigjung Public School 

The Rigjung Public school was founded by Lama Choeny Dorjey, principal of the school 18 years ago to give education for children in Ladakhs region. His aim is to support children from poor families and preserve Ladakhi culture. Due to continuously effort of  the principal and all teachers and staff members education is given in a way combining tradition and modernity.

some impressions from different school activities...

young students from Rigjung Public School

Lama Choeny Dorje , Principal of Rigjung Public School

students during the annual cultural show... wearing Ladakhi dress...

our youngsters staying in the Hostel

mountains in Ladakh, next to our village Choglamsar

student of Ladakh Rigjung Public School

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News August 2016

„Unsere Schule“

Die Ladakh Rigjung Public School –im Alltag erleben…hier gibt es einige Eindrücke von unseren Schulleben.

„Our school“
Ladakh Rigjung Public School- in daily life…here are some impressions of our school life.

August 2016

Elterntag an der Ladakh Rigjugn Public School-
Hier möchten wir gerne unser bunte und lebendige Eindrücke der Aufführungen zum jährlichen Elterntag mit Euch teilen… Viel Spass.

Parents Day at Ladakh Rigjugn Public School-
Here we like to share our joyful and colourful programme of the annual Parents Day…Enjoy.

NEWS June 2016

These days the end term exams are coming up... students are preparing for the exams.

Die neue Generation leitet an ...

Nach 21 Jahren ...Im letzten Jahr wurde eine neue Schulleitung gewählt: Ms. Rigzin Chödrol ist seit September 2015 Schulleiterin und leitet die Rigjung Public School bezüglich der Ausbildung und Disziplin. Sie war eine der ersten Schülerinnen der Schule und nach ihrem Schulabschluss an der Rigjung Public School und fortführenden Universitätsstudium, kam sie nach zurück nach Choglamsar, um jetzt die neue Generation von Schülern anzuleiten. Es ist ein sehr starkes Zeichen, dass sie als Frau, die Leitung sehr selbstbewusst übernommen hat, was in Indien nicht selbstverständlich ist.

Schaue das Interview auf Youtube...hier

The new generation guides 
After 21 years… last year the new school principal was selected: Ms. Rigzin Chodrol is since September 2015 school principal and guides the Rigjung Public School in education and discipline. She was one of the first students of the school and after her education at Rigjung Public School and studies at the university she came back to Choglamsar in order to guide the new generation. It is a very strong sign that she leads as a woman confidently in a new generation of India. 

Checkout for the interview on


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